Being wealthy

To me the advanteges y disventages of being wealthy it`s depends of the kind of riches we want to talk. If we refer to have a lot of money, so I belive that the only adventage is you have the posibility to buy all that you want, in addition to pleasures and a relative happiness. Nevertheless, all this things have their problems, one major disadventage of being rich is the big injustice with we would be collaborating, besides all the damaged we do to our enviroment. How someone can be wealthy? How someone with a lot of money can sleep calm?

I strongly disagree with all the logicals that work in the current capitalist world, however it is hard to act in diferent way, because it looks we don`t have another path. In the first place we must pay for every thing, except for environmental shock; secondly just a few people concentrate the mojority amount and finally they use a insignificant part to fix their bad work.

To be rich or wealthy we must or produce something o work in the financier market, any way the point is, we always take somenthing to have more, and leave less to the others, and never give back or retur the thing that we taked. For example, all the raw materials are used to produce something, but the bussines people dont`n return the material that they take off. Especially this situation produce a big damage, a lot of ambientalist warning, because the economic expectations are, in terms of ecology, impossible. Our world cann`t stretch any further.
In conclusion nothing that we can have it is so important like all the other things that we leave to do, although it is hard leave material things and being consistent with all this ideas, I don`t see real adventages, only shallow happiness and consumer goods.

1 comentario:

  1. To me the SP advanteges WW y SP disventages of being wealthy it`s depends WW of the kind of riches we want to talk. If we refer to have a lot of money, so I belive that the only adventage is you have the posibility to buy all that you want, in addition to pleasures and a relative happiness. Nevertheless, all this things have their problems, one major disadventage of being rich is the big injustice with we would be collaborating, besides all the damaged we do to our enviroment. How someone can be wealthy? How someone with a lot of money can sleep calm?

    I strongly disagree with all the logicals that work in the current capitalist world, however it is hard to act in diferent way, because it looks we don`t have another path. In the first place we must pay for every thing, except for environmental shock; secondly just a few people concentrate the mojority amount and finally they use a insignificant part to fix their bad work.

    To be rich or wealthy we must or produce something o work in the financier market, any way the point is, we always take somenthing to have more, and leave less to the others, and never give back or retur the thing that we taked. For example, all the raw materials are used to produce something, but the bussines people dont`n return the material that they take off. Especially this situation SVA produce a big damage, a lot of ambientalist warning, because the economic expectations are, in terms of ecology, impossible. Our world cann`t stretch any further.

    In conclusion nothing that we can have it is so important like all the other things that we leave to do, although it is hard leave material things and being consistent with all this ideas, I don`t see real adventages, only shallow happiness and consumer goods.

    fran, this is more like an essay... be careful with styles and genre.
    you got a 5
