A country I would like to visit

I have always wanted to visit countries with a diferent culture, to know new customs and to met people with other thinking ways. That is the reason because I would like visit countries like Chad, Libia, Ethiopia, etc., or in other words coutries of north of Africa. I don`t know much about this region of the world, but to our culture always has been a diferent way of life beacuse of their traditions, weather, landscape, but above all beacuse of their religion. The religion is a element that it make a big diference betwen the western and islamic cultures, more if we considerate that place of the world, where the religion determine not only their celebrations, values, and some customs, like in the western cultures, also define their politics, laws, etc.
If I went to Chad o Ethiopia, for example, I would like to visit some places like desert of Africa, the Blue Nilo, Tana Lake, National Park of Simen, or to know diferents cities.
One of the reason beacuse I want to visit these countries, is beacuse I don`t know anything about Africa, and we have only a few information about it, that is insuffiecient to me, I would like to learn more, and to know more ways to see the world.

1 comentario:

  1. I have always wanted to visit countries with a diferent culture, to know new customs and to met people with other thinking ways. That is the reason because I would like visit countries like Chad, Libia, Ethiopia, etc., or in other words coutries of north of Africa. I don`t know much about this region of the world, but to our culture always has been a diferent way of life beacuse of their traditions, weather, landscape, but above all beacuse of their religion. The religion is a element that SVA make a big diference betwen the western and islamic cultures, more if we considerate that place of the world, where the religion determine not only their celebrations, values, and some customs, like in the western cultures, also define their politics, laws, etc.
    If I went to Chad o Ethiopia, for example, I would like to visit some places like desert of Africa, the Blue Nilo, Tana Lake, National Park of Simen, or to know diferents cities.
    One of the reason beacuse I want to visit WF this countries, is beacuse I don`t know anything about Africa, and we have only a few information about it, that is insuffiecient to me, I would like to learn more, and to know more ways to see the world.

    good!! interesting..
