
The anthropology is a career not very known in the society, because now a days the people don`t think about our social environment, generally only it`s important to study something economically sustainable, I think. The anthropology study the culture, in a few words, that the reason beacause it`s call a holistic science, it take political, economic, religious, social and others aspects. In the Universidad de Chile it can be choose diferent areas, there are three branches: Fisical Anthropoly, Arqueology and Social Anthropology. The differences betwen this branches are: first, arqueology study mainly past context, or societies that doesn`t exist in the present; second, the fisical anthropoly analyze specifically biological aspects, an example of this can be the study of the bones composition, or research of genetic flow betwen populations; finally the social anthropoly see to the culture from different social process, it study for example the political behavior of a population, and all the social fenomenons related to the political culture.

1 comentario:

  1. The anthropology is a career not very known in the society, because now a days the people don`t think about our social environment, generally only it`s important to study something economically sustainable, I think. The anthropology SVA study the culture, in a few words, that the reason beacause it`s call a holistic science, SVA it take political, economic, religious, social and others aspects. In the Universidad de Chile it can be choose diferent areas, there are three branches: Fisical Anthropoly, Arqueology and Social Anthropology. The differences betwen this branches are: first, arqueology study mainly past context, or societies that doesn`t exist in the present; second, the fisical anthropoly SVA analyze specifically biological aspects, an example of this can be the study of the bones composition, or research of genetic flow betwen populations; finally the social anthropolySVA see to the culture from different social process, it SVA study for example the political behavior of a population, and all the social fenomenons related to the political culture.

    third person fran...remeber.
    ps. you got a 5.7
