The Anthropology, a big challenge

All the sciences have the same problem and challenge, the ethical question. The anthropology originally started as a science with the objetive to know others cultures to dominate them, all in a colonialism and imperialism context. The anthropologist said explicitly that they wanted to study societies to control it and to achieve an efective dominion.

Now a days that situation changed, we use our discipline to know the society, but we question why, what is the objetive of our science? what we do with all the knowledge of the anthropology? who will use it?

We recognize our slant, and all the impact that we could produce in the society, for this reason is an important challenge to answer all the question about our work as social scientist. In first term, we work directly with people, so we must care our relation ships and be careful with the people to; secondly we porduce knowledge, and that it will be used to somenthing, so it present a big problem if we think in that our opinion will be deciding of social interventions or public politics; thirdly it is difficult legitimize our science in the academic world, because we cann`t do damage to others society, but either we can do all that they want, if we would say the same of the people that we study so it is unnecesary the anthropology. Finally, respect to the social matters, we have the bigger ethical problem that it is the cause of the three points previous, I refer to how we see ourself related to the others. Generally there is a rank, where we put ourself in the best position related to the other, producing all the problems desribed. Ask us about our position related to the "other" is at the same time a problem, beacuse generate relativism, and the anthropologist donn`t know what position must take.
To me the biggest problem is to resolve all this quetions at the moment that we must work with people difirent to us, because when we study ourself society it isn`t a problem, because "we" and "they" are the same, and work with the same logics.

Earth, Swallow me!

Mmm, I`m not a bashful person really, and the most of the time I do ridicoulus things. So it is dificult to me to remember a embarassing situation.

But, I remember one time, the most embarassing mistake that I have ever had. It was my first year in the University, and as all girl with a lot of energy , furthemore of to be very curious, I always was asking in my classes.
Of course that is good to the teachers, because to them all the quetions are good to motivate the class.
One day, one of my teachers, gave to me a book of poems. It was very plain and short, my teacher wrotte a dedication and gave to me... I look it, I read de cover and then asked him "who is the writter?"
When I saw him face I wanted to run very fast a far away.

Being wealthy

To me the advanteges y disventages of being wealthy it`s depends of the kind of riches we want to talk. If we refer to have a lot of money, so I belive that the only adventage is you have the posibility to buy all that you want, in addition to pleasures and a relative happiness. Nevertheless, all this things have their problems, one major disadventage of being rich is the big injustice with we would be collaborating, besides all the damaged we do to our enviroment. How someone can be wealthy? How someone with a lot of money can sleep calm?

I strongly disagree with all the logicals that work in the current capitalist world, however it is hard to act in diferent way, because it looks we don`t have another path. In the first place we must pay for every thing, except for environmental shock; secondly just a few people concentrate the mojority amount and finally they use a insignificant part to fix their bad work.

To be rich or wealthy we must or produce something o work in the financier market, any way the point is, we always take somenthing to have more, and leave less to the others, and never give back or retur the thing that we taked. For example, all the raw materials are used to produce something, but the bussines people dont`n return the material that they take off. Especially this situation produce a big damage, a lot of ambientalist warning, because the economic expectations are, in terms of ecology, impossible. Our world cann`t stretch any further.
In conclusion nothing that we can have it is so important like all the other things that we leave to do, although it is hard leave material things and being consistent with all this ideas, I don`t see real adventages, only shallow happiness and consumer goods.

Social Science Faculty

When I started to study anthropology I didn`t have espectations about the place where I would study. FACSO turned out to have the elementary spaces to develop our self like students. But, in the time I noted some fault.
In infraestructure terms the faculty needs, for example, bathroom and dining rooms to crippled people. Also the antrhopoly students needs labs to work with archeaological materials or bones, very used in physical antrhopology and archeaology.
As well, in the last time, it had a problem the spaces to study. Our authorities have decided that the dining room is a good place to study, because the library must use only to read books, or to do works in silence. But we need a place to work and talk at the same time, our jobs are in groups, that the reazon because we must talk when we are working.
I think that we can do a best faculty, the first step is improve the realtion with athorities, although it isn`t bad, the student needs be more consider in the decisions. A lot of times it makes decisions without consider the opinion of the people involve, and I think this is the fount of the problems. The University is not only a space of the thachers, also there are students and employees, therefore the changes in the faculty must be directed to satisfy the needs of all the parts.
A big imporve would be give more power to students and employees to make decisions, this would increase the consciusness about the problems and improves necessary in the faculty. This change involve to incorporate more people in faculty conuncil, and give a balanced number to the diferents parts involve.

A excellent movie!

"The constant gardener" is one of my favourite movies, because it`s about the false help and politic and economic interesting of developed countries to others countries considered thir-world. This movie was filmed in Kenia in 2005, and its plot tell a story about an important england diplomatic, Justin Quayle, and his wife a strong activist, Tessa Quayle. They both travel to Kenia because of Justin`s work, but Justin didn`t know that his wife was working in a investigation about a multinational pharmaceutical lab, in charge of to deliver medicine to the Kenia`s population. Tessa discover the fraud, and the mass murder because the second efects. Her objetive was to denounce, but appear a ring of corruption, that finaly kill her to silence her. But Tessa never told Justin about all the investigation and her discovery, because it was very dangerous for her husband, above all because his diplomatic career. For this reason Justin must invetigate her death, discovering finaly all the lies and corruption, even though the lies and tricks created about her wife. He always think the best about her, and never belive the rumors.
Besides the beautiful and grat story, I really like this movie because its photography and the great acting of Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz. I rescue avobe all the politic position, critic related to the multinational, the role of the developed conutries, and the low social commitment.

The new public transport

The goberment did a lot of promises when the Transantiago began. The people would have a better public transport system, with more modern buses and for less payment. But not all it was true.
I didn`t remember if the older system it was better, because I didn`t take buses before Transantiago, maybe I took a bus three or four times before Transantiago. However, I saw a lot of time, and I thought to myself "these buses are a danger to the society", always the buses were runing. Also the "yellow buses" were more stinking tha the new buses, because they were older and they produced more pollution.
But the best change it was the way of payment, with the yellow buses people used coins or bills, and some times the drivers were driving and charging at the same time, also people should take out their purse, and that situation made easier the theft. Now a days we use a card to payment.
At the beggining of the Transantiago system, all was a chaos, people waiting hours to take a bus, because their were full or just they didn`t past. Some Bip! cards didn`t work, long lines to wait the bus, bad ways to the buses, and haven`t WF fit out bus stop, and sliperry seats. These problems were just some problems of this new system.
With time some problems have been resolved, now we wait less time, the buses are less full, and it looks like the Transantiago is better, but still there are problems with the routes because the engineers never considered who need the transport, when they need take a bus, or where they need to go. A bad job, a bad system.

The picture is a joke, because although some things were worse now, like waiting time, I think that the change in terms of safety it`s a big improvement, I rescue that.

When the music`s over, turn out the light...

There are a lot of interesting things in the nature, and always we can see the same pattern or model, even in the music. When I knew this, it was amazing.
I always have loved the music, diferent styles, instruments, rhythms, and composers. The music is a way to express, to convey or to free somenthig that it was inside oneself. But, there are certain parts of the music that the most of the people don`t know. I`m taking about the physic of this kind of art.
When we do music, when something sound, a lot of waves, with diferent frecuencies, it moves the air, and we can hear, so we can say that the music is much more that only music, also it`s energy. Although, all the sounds has the previous quality, but the music is composed for chords and harmonies. The harmonies are a group of frecuencies sounds at the same time, but this can be a noise if the frecuencies aren`t in a ratio specific.
That ratio is the big pattern, the "aureo" number. We only like the music when it`s harmonic. Why? For the same reason because we like images or figures with this proportion.
The mistery of "aureo" number gives it to the music a new meaning to me, I enjoy more, regardless the style... only it depends our feelings.