All the sciences have the same problem and challenge, the ethical question. The anthropology originally started as a science with the objetive to know others cultures to dominate them, all in a colonialism and imperialism context. The anthropologist said explicitly that they wanted to study societies to control it and to achieve an efective dominion.
Now a days that situation changed, we use our discipline to know the society, but we question why, what is the objetive of our science? what we do with all the knowledge of the anthropology? who will use it?
We recognize our slant, and all the impact that we could produce in the society, for this reason is an important challenge to answer all the question about our work as social scientist. In first term, we work directly with people, so we must care our relation ships and be careful with the people to; secondly we porduce knowledge, and that it will be used to somenthing, so it present a big problem if we think in that our opinion will be deciding of social interventions or public politics; thirdly it is difficult legitimize our science in the academic world, because we cann`t do damage to others society, but either we can do all that they want, if we would say the same of the people that we study so it is unnecesary the anthropology. Finally, respect to the social matters, we have the bigger ethical problem that it is the cause of the three points previous, I refer to how we see ourself related to the others. Generally there is a rank, where we put ourself in the best position related to the other, producing all the problems desribed. Ask us about our position related to the "other" is at the same time a problem, beacuse generate relativism, and the anthropologist donn`t know what position must take.
To me the biggest problem is to resolve all this quetions at the moment that we must work with people difirent to us, because when we study ourself society it isn`t a problem, because "we" and "they" are the same, and work with the same logics.